Friday, December 7, 2018

Bored with Social Media

For as long as I can remember I have used social media as a means of escapism, but as I work to become more mindful, I have come to realize that, honestly, I don’t like social media that much. Twitter was never for me and I use Facebook as a tool to connect and keep up with family and a few friends, but with YouTube and Instagram I find myself bored and unsatisfied with the content on my feed. I ask myself, is this an improvement, a sign that I am moving towards better habits and a healthier relationship with social media? Or is my dissatisfaction a sign that my attention span has shrunk to a new low without my realizing it?

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Bored with Social Media

For as long as I can remember I have used social media as a means of escapism, but as I work to become more mindful, I have come to realize...